The intervention SHORELINE 2099 illustrates the rise of the sea line because of the melting of the glaciers due to climate change. Coastal cities are especially vulnerable to this phenomenon. For this site-specific installation, blue lines marked the water level predicted for 2099 based on recent Canadian research.
Two versions were located in Halifax (Nova Scotia), including a version in Halifax (Nova Scotia) for the Nocturne Festival in 2020, a version in Sydney (Nova Scotia) for the Lumière Festival in 2021, and a version in Saint John (New Brunswick) for the Third Shift Festival in 2022.
Version for the Third Shift Festival in 2022 realized with the financial support of LOJIQ – Les Offices jeunesse internationaux du Québec.
Nocturne 2020: Marie-Soleil Provençal wastes not, wants lots
Morgan Muller
The Coast — October 15, 2020
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Morgan Muller
The Coast — October 15, 2020
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